Tag: parenting tips

  • Poker Face: The Power of Ignoring Unwanted Behaviors

    Poker Face: The Power of Ignoring Unwanted Behaviors

    Every parent has been there: your child throws a tantrum in the middle of the store, or repeatedly interrupts while you’re on the phone. It’s challenging, often embarrassing, and quite natural to react. But here’s the catch – the type of attention we offer during these instances can shape future behaviors. As a behavior analyst,…

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  • Bribery vs. Reinforcement: What’s the difference?

    Bribery vs. Reinforcement: What’s the difference?

    Dealing with the terrible two stage most parents will do anything to get through the day without a big meltdown or five. So you find yourself offering toys and candy just to get some peace and quiet. I find a lot of parents will act like it is a bad thing to reward their children…

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