10 Best Toys for Active Toddlers

From a mom of a very active toddler, finding ways to keep him entertained and burn some energy are big priorities.

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Potty Training Made Easy

Potty training is a significant milestone in a child’s development, and as parents, it’s natural to feel both excited and apprehensive about the process.

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Best Safe Car toys for 6mths +

If your kiddos are like mine, then car rides short or long can be stressful and you are always looking for the next best thing to hope to keep them entertained, yet something that is soft and safe for the car.

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  • Potty Training Made Easy: Tips and Tricks for Success

    Potty Training Made Easy: Tips and Tricks for Success

    Potty training is a significant milestone in a child’s development, and as parents, it’s natural to feel both excited and apprehensive about the process. While it can be challenging at times, with patience, consistency, and a positive attitude, potty training can be a successful and rewarding experience for both you and your child. In this…

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  • Unique Sensory Bin Fillers

    Unique Sensory Bin Fillers

    If you are like me you are always on the hunt to keep your kiddos busy, engaged and somewhat independent. I love finding unique sensory bin fillers, but stuff that doesn’t take too much time to prep. In this stage of life I am more of a buyer than a maker. There are a ton…

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  • Poker Face: The Power of Ignoring Unwanted Behaviors

    Poker Face: The Power of Ignoring Unwanted Behaviors

    Every parent has been there: your child throws a tantrum in the middle of the store, or repeatedly interrupts while you’re on the phone. It’s challenging, often embarrassing, and quite natural to react. But here’s the catch – the type of attention we offer during these instances can shape future behaviors. As a behavior analyst,…

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  • Bribery vs. Reinforcement: What’s the difference?

    Bribery vs. Reinforcement: What’s the difference?

    Dealing with the terrible two stage most parents will do anything to get through the day without a big meltdown or five. So you find yourself offering toys and candy just to get some peace and quiet. I find a lot of parents will act like it is a bad thing to reward their children…

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  • Best Toys for your 0-6mth Old Baby: Perfect Adds for your Baby Registry

    Best Toys for your 0-6mth Old Baby: Perfect Adds for your Baby Registry

    As a first time or even second, third time Mom, finding the perfect toys for your little ones can be quite the task since there are so many options on the market. Playtime is much more than fun and games. For infants, it’s a crucial part of development – a time when they can learn,…

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Real Refreshing Mama

Mom, Wife and Behavior Analyst