10 Best Toys For Active Toddlers

#1 Little Tikes Jump N’ Slide

When I came across the Little Tikes Jump ‘n Slide inflatable bouncer, I knew I had struck gold. It is great for too hot or too cold days, when outside isn’t an option, you can just plug it in and blow it up in your living room. 

Game Ideas with the Little Tikes Jump N’ Slide:

  • Bounce Contest: Have a friendly competition to see who can bounce the highest or perform the best jumps and tricks while inside the inflatable bouncer. You can take turns and judge each other’s performances.
  • Obstacle Course: Set up a mini obstacle course inside or around the Jump ‘n Slide. Include items like cones, hula hoops, and small hurdles for kids to navigate through while bouncing.
  • Simon Says: Play a game of Simon Says with jumping and sliding commands. For example, “Simon says jump three times and then slide down the slide!” or “Simon says bounce on one leg” or “Simon says crawl to the slide.”
  • Pop the Bubbles: Fill the Jump ‘n Slide with small plastic balls or balloons and have fun watching them bounce around as you jump.
  • Color Jump: Assign different colors to various areas of the Jump ‘n Slide, and call out colors for the kids to jump to. This game helps improve coordination and listening skills.
  • Freeze Bounce: Play some upbeat music and have the kids bounce around the Jump ‘n Slide. When the music stops, they must freeze in place. Anyone caught moving or bouncing is out. Start the music again and repeat until only one player remains.
  • Balloon Volleyball: Inflate a balloon and have the kids play a modified version of volleyball, hitting the balloon back and forth over the Jump ‘n Slide net. The objective is to keep the balloon from touching the ground. You can keep score or simply play for fun.


# 2 Pikler Triangle Climber Set

Age Recommendation: 36 mths – 8 years
Price: $199.00 – Check Current Price Here

There are lots of versions of Pickler sets out there, but when I found this one, I really liked the added versatility it offers. The Dripex Pickler Triangle Set boasts an impressive design that immediately caught my attention. Pickler sets have become very popular in the recent years as they encourage exploration and help develop their gross motor skills. The set includes various attachments and accessories such as ladders, slides, and climbing bars that add versatility and keep my little one engaged for hours on end.

Game Ideas for the Pikler Triangle Set:

  • Climbing Challenge: Set up obstacle courses using the Pikler Triangle, incorporating other items like cushions, tunnels, and balance beams. Time your child as they navigate the course or challenge them to reach specific points.
  • Hide-and-Seek: Use the Pikler Triangle as part of a hide-and-seek game. Your child can climb up and hide behind it, while you try to find them. It adds an element of fun and excitement to the game.
  • Fort or Cave: Drape a blanket over the Pikler Triangle to create a cozy fort or cave. Children can use it as a hiding spot, a reading nook, or a quiet play area.
  • Puppet Theater: Attach a curtain or fabric to one side of the Pikler Triangle and create a puppet theater. Your child can use puppets or stuffed animals to put on shows and performances.
  • Balance Games: Encourage your child to balance on different parts of the Pikler Triangle. They can try walking along the top or perform balancing acts while standing on the lower rungs. You can even create challenges by placing objects on their path that they have to avoid while maintaining their balance.

Remember, these are just a few suggestions, and you can adapt or create your own games based on your child’s interests and abilities. The key is to provide a safe and engaging environment that promotes physical activity and imagination.


#3 Little Tikes 3′ Trampoline

Age Recommendation: 3 – 6
Price: $71.46 – Check Current Price Here

One aspect that has truly impressed me is the entertainment factor. My child absolutely loves bouncing up and down on this trampoline. It has become their go-to activity for burning off excess energy, especially during periods when they can’t go outside to play.

The handlebar provides excellent stability and support, allowing my son to maintain his balance and jump confidently. The handlebar is also adjustable, which is a fantastic feature as it accommodates my son’s waaay too fast growing height.

The springs are well-enclosed within a padded cover, eliminating any risk of pinching or injuries. The compact size of the trampoline is perfect for indoor use, making it convenient during rainy days or when outdoor space is limited.

Game Ideas for the Little Tikes Trampoline:

  • Bounce Counting: Have the children take turns counting how many times they can bounce continuously without stopping. This activity can help improve their coordination and counting skills.
  • Follow the Leader: Choose a leader who performs various bouncing moves on the trampoline, such as jumping, hopping, or twirling. The other children have to imitate the leader’s moves exactly. Rotate the leader role so everyone gets a chance.
  • Bouncing Contests: See who can bounce the highest or perform the most jumps in a given time. You can set up friendly competitions and keep score to make it more exciting.
  • Animal Jump: Assign different animals to each player, and they have to mimic the jumping style or behavior of their assigned animal while bouncing on the trampoline. For example, someone might jump like a kangaroo, hop like a bunny, or waddle like a penguin.

Remember to prioritize safety while playing on the trampoline. Make sure there’s adult supervision, the trampoline is in good condition, and children follow basic safety guidelines, such as jumping one at a time and not performing dangerous stunts.


#4 Sensory Swing


Age Recommendations: 3-99
Price: $39.99 – Check current price here 

This is one of our all time favorite family toys.  The swing’s design is thoughtfully crafted, providing a cocoon-like feeling that brings a sense of security and comfort. This sensory swing is so versatile and great for indoor play. It has proven to be an excellent outlet for my child’s energy. 

Game Ideas for the Sensory Swing:

  • Swing and Tell: As your child swings, take turns telling each other stories or recounting fun experiences. The swinging motion can be relaxing and help create a calm and safe environment for sharing thoughts and feelings.

  •  Sensory Seek and Find: Hide small sensory toys or objects around the area where the swing is located. Encourage your child to swing gently while searching for the hidden items. When they find one, they can place it in a designated container. This activity enhances visual scanning and attention.

  • Sensory Swing Art: Lay out a large piece of paper or canvas beneath the sensory swing. Provide washable paint or markers to the child and let them create art while swinging. The movement of the swing will add a unique and dynamic element to their artwork, making it a multi-sensory creative experience.

  • “Flying to the Stars”: Pretend to take a journey to outer space. Encourage your child to close their eyes and imagine they are flying through the stars and planets. Gently push the swing back and forth to simulate the feeling of floating in space.

  • “Superhero Soars”: Let your child’s imagination take flight as they become a superhero soaring through the city. Ask them what superpowers they have and how they use them to save the day. Use the swing’s movement to simulate their superhero’s flight through the city.


#5 Punch Balloons

Age Recommendation: 2+
Price: $7.99 – Check Current Price Here

Alright hear me out on this one! The sheer simplicity of punch balloons is part of their charm. Within seconds, they can be inflated and ready for action. The quick set up allows for impromptu play sessions, making them a fantastic go-to activity for those moments when we need an immediate diversion.

The amount of hours my kiddo spends popping these balloons around always surprises me and give me a break! 

*Supervise closely since they can pop and the little pieces can become a choking Hazard. Do not let your little ones bite or mouth on the balloons. 

Game ideas for Punch Balloons

  • Balloon Boxing: Set up a makeshift boxing ring using pillows or soft cushions. Put on some fun boxing gloves (you can use inflated punch balloons as makeshift gloves) and have friendly “boxing” matches with each other, trying to tap or punch the opponent’s balloon while protecting your own.

  • Balloon Volleyball: Create a net using a string or rope, and divide players into two teams. The objective is to keep the punch balloon airborne over the net without it touching the ground on your side. Use hands, feet, or any body part except arms to hit the balloon over the net.

  • Keep It Up: Challenge each other to see who can keep the punch balloon from touching the ground the longest. Players can only use their hands to keep the balloon in the air, and the person who keeps it up the most number of times wins.

  • Balloon Tennis: Use fly swatters or racquets made from paper plates and popsicle sticks to play a game of balloon tennis. Players hit the punch balloon back and forth, trying to keep it within the designated boundaries.

  • Balloon Punch: See how long you can keep punching the balloon while holding the rubber band.


#6 Stepping Stones for Kids

Age Recommendation: 2 – 99
Price: $ 49.99 – Check Current Price Here 

Love these and all the many ways you can incorporate them into active play. From using them by themselves to adding them to an obstacle course. Love how these stepping stones encourage my boys to be active and explore their physical abilities. The act of hopping from one stone to another promotes balance, coordination, and motor skills development. 

Additionally, stepping stones have been a valuable aid in enhancing our kids’ spatial awareness and problem-solving abilities. As they strategize their path across the stones, they learn to assess distances, make quick decisions, and adjust their movements accordingly. 

Beyond the physical and cognitive benefits, stepping stones also serve as a source of imaginative play. My oldest often transform the stones into various elements, from rocks in a river to stepping stones in a magical kingdom. His creativity knows no bounds, and I love seeing how the stepping stones fuel his imagination, leading to hours of imaginative and open-ended play.

Game ideas with the Stepping Stones

  • River Crossing: Set up the stepping stones in a line, mimicking a river. The objective is for the kids to cross the “river” by stepping on the stones without falling into the water. Make it more challenging by varying the distances between stones or creating an obstacle course with different patterns.

  • Musical Stepping Stones: Play some music and have the kids hop from one stepping stone to another as long as the music plays. When the music stops, they must freeze on the closest stone. 

  • Color Hopping: Assign a specific action or movement to each colored stepping stone (e.g., hop on red, tiptoe on blue, jump on green). Call out colors, and the kids must perform the corresponding action by hopping from one colored stone to another.

  • Number Sequence: Place numbers or shapes on the stepping stones and create a sequence or pattern. Ask the kids to follow the sequence as they step on the stones. For example, “Step on 1, then 2, then 3, and finally 4.” This game helps with number recognition and sequencing skills.

  • Balance Beam Challenge: Arrange the stepping stones in a straight line, creating a balance beam. Encourage the kids to walk across the stones without falling off. To make it more entertaining, have them walk backward or sideways or even challenge them to do a little dance while balancing.

  • Alphabet Adventure: Write letters of the alphabet on the stepping stones. Call out a letter or a word starting with a specific letter, and the kids must hop to the corresponding stone. This game promotes letter recognition and phonics skills.

  • Follow the Leader: Have one child be the “leader” and create a stepping stone path. The other kids must follow the leader’s movements, stepping on the same stones in the same order. Switch leaders and continue the game, encouraging creativity in the path creation.

  • Treasure Hunt: Hide small toys or treats around the stepping stones and turn it into a treasure hunt. The kids must navigate the stones and find the hidden treasures while following a treasure map or clues.


#7 Hasbro Elefun and Friends


Age recommendation: 2+
Price: $39.99 – Check Current Price Here


This is an oldie, but a good one!  While it might be difficult for your toddler’s to actually catch any of the butterflies. My kiddo loves watching the butterflies fly up the trunk and shoot out and will jump around and attempt to catch them. 

The Elefun encourages physical activity and movement. Chasing after the fluttering butterflies not only keeps our kids engaged but also provides a healthy dose of exercise. 

Elefun also fosters friendly competition and social interaction among my boys and their friends. The simplicity of Elefun also allows for creative variations in play. For instance, we sometimes use the butterfly nets as makeshift wands, turning the game into a magical adventure where the children can pretend to be butterfly catchers. 

Check out this post on Best Toddler Games 


Games to play with Elefun

  • Butterfly Catching Contest: Gather multiple players and set a timer. Each player takes turns using their butterfly net to catch as many butterflies as possible as they flutter out of Elefun’s trunk. The player who catches the most butterflies within the time limit wins the contest.

  • Color Sorting Challenge: Place different colored buckets or containers around Elefun. As the butterflies fly out, the players must catch and sort them into the corresponding colored buckets. This game helps reinforce color recognition skills.

  • Butterfly Safari: Turn the play area into a butterfly safari adventure. Players can pretend to be explorers on a butterfly-catching expedition.

  • Butterfly Races: Mark a start and finish line, and have the kids race while carrying their butterfly nets. They must catch a butterfly from Elefun at the start line and carry it to the finish line without dropping it. The first one to complete the race wins.
  • Catch the Rare Butterfly: Designate one butterfly as the “rare” or “special” butterfly. Players try to catch this particular butterfly, and the one who does wins. 


#8 Magnetbloxs


Age Recommendations: 6 mths and up
Price: $319.99 – Check Current Price Here 

This is definitely a pricey one, but such a unique fun one! They possibilities are endless with what you can create. I love the softness of them, because it allows my rambunctious son to build a wall and crash into it. He can get his energy out with out destroying the house. 

Another significant advantage of Magnetbloxs is the open-ended nature of the play experience.  They can transform the blocks into anything they desire, whether it’s a towering castle, a futuristic spaceship, or a bustling cityscape. This freedom of expression promotes imaginative play, allowing our kids to engage in storytelling and role-playing adventures with their creations.

Game ideas with the Magnetbloxs:

  • Build and Guess: One player secretly builds an object or structure with Magnetbloxs, and the other players take turns guessing what it is. The builder can give clues as needed, and the player who correctly guesses the object becomes the next builder.

  • Memory Challenge: Arrange a specific pattern or design with the Magnetbloxs and let the players observe it for a few seconds. Then destroy it and see if the next person can rebuild it from memory.

  • Story Starter Structures: Encourage imaginative play by having each player build a small structure with Magnetbloxs. Afterward, each player must use their structure as a story starter, making a story based on the design they created.

  • Magnetic Tower Tumble: Build a tower using Magnetbloxs, and take turns removing one block at a time without toppling the tower. The player who causes the tower to tumble is out of the game, and the last player remaining wins.

  • Race cars: Build a big ramp and race cars down them.

  • Speed Challenge: Set a timer and challenge the kids to build specific structures or designs as quickly as possible using Magnetbloxs. You can call out shapes or objects, and they must race against the clock to construct them. The player who completes the most challenges within the given time wins.


#9 Playskool Sit N’ Spin 

Age Recommendation: 18 mths – 4 years old 
Price: $39.99 – Check current price here

Another Classic that has stood the test of time, and for a good reason. Its circular shape, low center of gravity, and comfortable seat allow for your kiddos to easily hop on and start spinning. This straightforward setup makes it accessible most toddlers, and even the littlest ones can join in the fun with minimal assistance.

Not only does it provide them with an opportunity to burn off energy, but it also enhances their balance and coordination as they learn to control the spinning motion.

The Sit ‘n Spin also offers some unexpected cognitive benefits. As your kiddos spin around, they are developing their spatial awareness and gaining a sense of orientation. This enhances their understanding of cause and effect, as they quickly learn how their movements affect the spinning motion.

Games to play with the Sit ‘N Spin:

  • Spin and Freeze: Play some lively music and have the children take turns spinning on the Sit ‘n Spin. When the music stops, they must freeze in place until the music starts again. Keep the game going with different music tracks and watch them twirl and freeze with excitement.

  • Spin and Exercise: Make a list of different exercises like jumping jacks, toe touches, or arm circles. Each child spins on the Sit ‘n Spin and then must perform the exercise they land on when they stop. It’s a fun way to combine spinning and physical activity.

  • Spin & Dizzy Walk: After spinning, the child must try to walk a straight line or follow a designated path, despite feeling dizzy. This game adds an extra challenge and lots of laughter to playtime.


#10  Balance Bike

Age Recommendation: 12- 36 months 
Price: $49.99 – Check current Price Here



This one has been gaining a lot of popularity in the recent years and we have found it to be worth all the rage.

One of the most significant advantages of the balance bike is its design, which removes the need for training wheels. The absence of pedals allows for your kiddo to focus solely on developing their balancing skills. This gradual approach to cycling builds a strong foundation and eliminates the fear of tipping over, providing your kiddo with a smooth transition to a traditional pedal bike in the future.

The balance bike has become an excellent source of getting energy out for our older son. You can use it indoors or out, but if you live in the south like us you will use it more indoors. 



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